We will improve the credit assessment system for small enterprises, and encourage the establishment of a loan risk compensation fund for them. 完善小企业信贷考核体系。鼓励建立小企业贷款风险补偿基金。
The Assessment of Rural Fund Allocation Efficiency and Analysis of the Influencing Factors in China 我国农村资金配置效率的评价及其影响因素分析
Application of authority and consensus of experts in assessment of research fund project 专家权威和共识在科研基金立项评估中的应用
The Assessment of Fund Performance and Empirical Research Based on Time-Varying Beta 基于时变β的基金绩效评价方法及实证研究
This assessment is discussed in meetings of the Sub-Committee on currency board operations of the Exchange Fund Advisory committee; the records of these meetings are published. 外汇基金谘询委员会辖下的货币发行委员会会讨论这些评估结果,有关的会议记录亦会予以公布。
Activities relating to the handling and vetting of the information supplied and data preparation necessary for the assessment of financial assistance under the Marine Fish Scholarship fund; 在海鱼奖学基金的计划下,评定申请人可获资助额,而需要对有关资料作出处理和评核;
Releasing its latest assessment of the global economy on Tuesday, the fund said that financial instability, exacerbated by poor policymaking, had worsened considerably and threatened growth. IMF在周二发布的最新全球经济评估报告中表示,因糟糕的经济决策而加剧的金融动荡已显著恶化,对增长构成了威胁。
Owing to this system, author hopes people's knowledge about open-end funds performance assessment will be enhanced, and investors involve in open-end fund investment will get valuable information which can guide them make right decisions. 通过建立这一评估体系,笔者希望市场参与各方能更深一步地提高对我国开放式基金绩效评估的认识,也期望投资者能从中获得具有指导性的投资信息。
The statistic assessment is for the net value of the fund asset, and the dynamic assessment is for the liquidity of the fund asset. 静态评价是指对基金资产的净值进行评价,动态评价是指对基金资产的流动性进行评价。
The project implementation conducts under strict technical regulations, management procedures, systems of quality supervision, monitoring and assessment, review and acceptance. Reimbursement system is strictly applied in fund management, International Competitive Bidding and Domestic Competitive Bidding are employed in material purchase. 项目的实施有严格的技术规程、管理办法和质量监督、监测评价、检查验收制度,资金实行严格的报账制,物资采购实行国际招标采购和国内招标采购。
A Test for Market Timing of Funds ── Performance Assessment of Fund Managers 基金的市场时机选择检验&对基金管理人业绩的评价
However, if we construct a comprehensive measuring index using the method of standard deviation and mean difference maximization and assimilate the advantages of the above indexes, we can make the unique and reasonable assessment of fund performance. 而运用标准差和平均差极大化方法构造一种综合评价测度指标,并吸取述上述五个指标的长处,可对基金绩效作出唯一和合理的评价。
Carrying out the management system of the environmental impact assessment fund; 实行环评资金专项管理制;
The assessment of investment achievement is the important content of the management of investment fund. 而投资业绩评估是投资基金管理中的一个重要内容。
From the point of bridges maintenance management in small scope, this paper discussed the assessment of old bridges and properly distribution of bridge maintenance fund that fit in the condition of little bridge quantity, simple bridge type and limited maintenance. 本文从小区域桥梁养护管理部门的角度出发,探讨了适合在桥梁数量少、桥型简单以及养护资源有限等情况下的旧桥评定和桥梁养护资金的合理分配问题。
The application of project management contract systems including contract objective assessment responsibility system of performance, contract responsibility system of project risk management, risk fund mortagage system, and project cost accounting system are denoted. 概述了业绩合同目标考核责任制、项目风险经营承包责任制、风险金抵押制、项目成本核算制等项目经营管理承包责任制的应用情况;
Therefore, this dissertation tries to review the issue of open-end funds performance assessment in different perspectives and make a comment on the traditional models or indexes of fund performance assessment. 为此,本文首先从不同的角度对开放式基金的绩效评估问题进行了论述,并对各种传统的绩效评估模型或指标进行系统的回顾和评价。
On this condition, we should improve and perfect the existing regulations and standards, establish the interrelated program of environmental risk assessment and the mechanism of fund raising, strengthen the capability building of the environmental management and supervision on POPs contaminated sites. 因此,我们在充分利用现有环境管理体系的基础上,还应该继续改进和完善现有法规和标准体系,建立相关的环境风险评价程序和资金筹集机制,加强污染场地环境管理和监督管理能力建设。
First part is the mobility of asset management, which includes three aspects: to determine the optimal cash remaining stock, to develop open-end funds realized optimal strategy for mobility assessment and rational allocation of fund assets. 首先是资产的流动性管理,这包括三个方面:确定最佳现金留存量;制定开放式基金最优变现策略;流动性评估及基金资产配置。
Chapter IV introduces three aspects. First of all, the paper introduced the situation of Chinese overseas-listed real estate investment trust. Secondly, the paper introduced the theory of risk assessment. Finally, we assess the REITs risk through Yuexiu fund data. 第四章首先总结了我国在海外上市的房地产投资信托基金情况,其次是对房地产投资信托基金的风险评价理论的归纳,最后运用风险评价指标对越秀基金进行了分析。
The author advocates: cooperate with communities to enlarge the service area, set a course with some instructors, regulate community service organizations, set up an assessment system, broaden the fund channel, improve the ability of collecting fund. 提出:学校与社区合作,扩大服务领域;设为课程,并设立指导师;规范管理,健全社区服务组织;建立评价制度;拓宽资金渠道,提高筹集资金能力。
Recently, the development of open-stock fund is very fast. Investment style assessment is an important aspect of the fund rating. 近几年我国开放式股票型基金飞速发展,对于基金投资风格的评估是基金评级中重要的一个环节。
After building a project based on the Fund on the relevant assessment of the credibility of the applicant evaluation and incentive and restraint system, to explore the fund management and evaluation of the credibility of the target system. 构建基于基金项目后评估的对相关申请者的信誉评价和激励与约束制度体系,探索基金信誉管理与评价的指标体系。